Thought Process
"I ain't as crazy as I seem to be, it's just that nothin' is the way that is seem's to me. Im feelin' less then, druggin' him up with anti-depressants, In essence im threatenin my character assessment Truth told, I figure a few hoe's mixed with some new clothes should cover my loop holes. If I'm misunderstood or mis-guided, started when they passed the L' said 'just try it' "

- Joe Budden, Angel in my Life
My name is Jarell & I'm a drug addict. I'd rather be alone, rather then surrounded by familiar strangers. I listen to wayy too much R&B & i hate you all.

February 16, 2009 @ 4:54 AM

" pussy's only pussy, i'll get it when i need it "

since my file den shit actin retarded, had to go to the archive and fetch out some of the old ones. i didn't even know i had so many old ones. i be waste'n shit, make 'em and forget about 'em. thank god for notepad. tonight, lame... i didn't do much, just gettin over a sickness and it's gone be slow. i got school i THINK tomorrow. if i go and theres no cars, i'm coming back home. but i think we'll have regular class. it said it on the site, so if not i'll just come home. i gotta get a black when i leave too. gotta go buy a black, maybe a box and some other shit dependin on if i wanna just spend money. i gotta save... lmaoo @ will smith, niggah stupid. i haven't seen bad boys inna while. i seen bad boys II alot, but not the first one. they need to just come on followin the other.

moms sick, went from nephew, sis, me to moms. that's fucked up. hopfully by the time i get home tomorrow she be feelin better. it took me all day to get over my sickness. i hated it, so i made sure i didn't throw up. drunk maddd ginger ale and ain't eat ALL day, ain't drink nothing but ginger ale, i was determined not to throw anything up. it worked but it ain't workin for moms. i hope she get better, i hate being sick and i hate seeing people sick. they be all lazy, and stuff. i be dependin on them to do things for me and now i can't. lol, nah i don't depend on nobody, i just use them frm time to time.

lol @ joe budden " i wont chris brown ya " yeah, he def in the threads. niggah singing the double mint commericals and all. i hate that niggah. i gotta pre order his album though. it comes out 24th, i know... why not just buy it in the store ? idk, i might end up doing that anyway, but why not pre order it ? last album i bought was game. that's ironic. bought game's last album, buyin joe budden FIRST actually decent album IF it ever drops.

my hair's wet, i washed it a few minutes ago, i'm mad sleepy but i'm fightin it. why ? idk, i just like being up late so that i don't wake up until time to go to school. get up, shower, clothes, store, school, class, home... CHILL. my monday usuall. mondays be boring usually, unless i'm annoyin the broads in my math class. quanda & whitney... i always thought darkskinned broads would be named shaquanda, but this bitch is bright as hell... nerdy and thick. yessir. whitney is like 4'2, boney and weird lookin as hell. but i knew em since highschool so they get a pass.

" you the fuckin best " ( to you nae )
i'm in class... but i just seen this and it's worth postin.

Joe Budden - "In My Sleep" Promo from Three/21 Films on Vimeo.


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