Thought Process
"I ain't as crazy as I seem to be, it's just that nothin' is the way that is seem's to me. Im feelin' less then, druggin' him up with anti-depressants, In essence im threatenin my character assessment Truth told, I figure a few hoe's mixed with some new clothes should cover my loop holes. If I'm misunderstood or mis-guided, started when they passed the L' said 'just try it' "

- Joe Budden, Angel in my Life
My name is Jarell & I'm a drug addict. I'd rather be alone, rather then surrounded by familiar strangers. I listen to wayy too much R&B & i hate you all.

April 2, 2009 @ 11:54 AM

" & i'm a die alone, so alone i stand "

i don't like the rain, well i do but not when i have to drive or just go out in it period. it fucks my day up. i just wanna be lazy when it rains, and i think after this blog and a lil web surfin that's what i'm a do. i need to get alot of things fixed, from my phone to my wireless internet on this laptop to my bluetooth. i'm just horrible with technology right now, i'll be back on my shit though. i just refuse to get a lime/green phonee. as much i need a phone i won't DARE touch that shit. that's nlike forebidden. MAN LAW, no lime phones. any bright/gay colors. but yeahhh. my back is hurtin and my allergies are actin up like hell. let me go turn my phone off and back on so i can text atleast one person. that's how fucked up my phone is. i gotta take the battery out or turn it off and back on just so i can text somebody... then it fucks up and i have to do it again.

i hate technology, maybe it's a april fools joke. this april fools wasn't all that. i guess nobody had anything planned. i know i didn't. lemme go though. i hate typing. goodbyeee


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