Thought Process
"I ain't as crazy as I seem to be, it's just that nothin' is the way that is seem's to me. Im feelin' less then, druggin' him up with anti-depressants, In essence im threatenin my character assessment Truth told, I figure a few hoe's mixed with some new clothes should cover my loop holes. If I'm misunderstood or mis-guided, started when they passed the L' said 'just try it' "

- Joe Budden, Angel in my Life
My name is Jarell & I'm a drug addict. I'd rather be alone, rather then surrounded by familiar strangers. I listen to wayy too much R&B & i hate you all.

November 30, 2008 @ 11:56 PM

i don't give a FUCK how you feel

so right now, it's almost 12. i got school in the AM so i make sure i'll be sleep before 3 or 4... either or don't matter to me as long as i have more then 4 hours of sleep for school tomorrow. IF NOT i will be falling asleep in them classes which shouldn't last as long being that its like the week before the last week. I got not even 7 days left. I got 6 days left of school and that 6th day i might not even come so i'm good & shit. fuck this, i need to sell my books ASAP, i'm walkin round here planning on the money i'm a get i might be stuck with them all. my mom is wake which means she'll be telling me to go to sleep so. but yeah, let me play this game and take a shit before i lay down and text a whole bunch of useless motherfuckers just to annoy them.

fuck this internet shit, i erased my CS page and was thinkin about delete'n my Myspace but i don't feel like all that trouble so it'll stay up. fuck all you readin this and the ones that DIDNT read it. and the ones that skimmed when it's like 2 sentences that are baically the same jibba jabber bullshit about the same shit i blog/whine about every other fuckin day so you read one day you won't have to read the next you'll already know what i'm typing about. school, how i hate the internet, how i'm depressed when the next minute i'm a good mood. IDK i just know i want you all to fuck off

i'm gone, go get your bleed on. hawluh


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