Thought Process
"I ain't as crazy as I seem to be, it's just that nothin' is the way that is seem's to me. Im feelin' less then, druggin' him up with anti-depressants, In essence im threatenin my character assessment Truth told, I figure a few hoe's mixed with some new clothes should cover my loop holes. If I'm misunderstood or mis-guided, started when they passed the L' said 'just try it' "

- Joe Budden, Angel in my Life
My name is Jarell & I'm a drug addict. I'd rather be alone, rather then surrounded by familiar strangers. I listen to wayy too much R&B & i hate you all.

September 7, 2008 @ 10:48 PM

fuck yolee, ibi's cool

uhh, i moved shit around and stuff... i had to do my bed all over. I got one of those blow up beds, shits a king... and i layed on it when i was in DE so i decided to go out and spend some money for one just to be comfortable and stuff. So yeah, i think i already got a hole in it... fuck it, ill buy another one maybe. i cooked, HELP cook with the moms and watched my nephew... that niggah FINALLY took his bad ass to sleep, he gone sleep through the night and prolly wake up when i get up to go to school. I'm glad school's 4 hours long, barley that ckuz they let us out early. I did my homework and i feel ok about that ckuz i been skippin it

i'm bumpin that old ja rule, that niggah's still my favorite regardless of what 50 did to his career and that he still sings on his songs. She had maddd hits from his albums and then the rest of the album prolly sounded like shit, thats with alot of rappers though. & once again FUCK YOLEE

" i'm convinced, she's my down ass bitch "

oh yeah, arayah... all that shit i was talkin to you about early... ignore it. It was bullshit, i just wanted to see if you would've do it not plus someone put me up to it & i was a bit scared for mylife much love big titted bitch <3


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