Thought Process
"I ain't as crazy as I seem to be, it's just that nothin' is the way that is seem's to me. Im feelin' less then, druggin' him up with anti-depressants, In essence im threatenin my character assessment Truth told, I figure a few hoe's mixed with some new clothes should cover my loop holes. If I'm misunderstood or mis-guided, started when they passed the L' said 'just try it' "

- Joe Budden, Angel in my Life
My name is Jarell & I'm a drug addict. I'd rather be alone, rather then surrounded by familiar strangers. I listen to wayy too much R&B & i hate you all.

November 5, 2008 @ 9:09 PM

" you can my vixennn... "

my eyes love to twitch and shit, i get annoyed by it sometimes unless it brings any good on my day which rarely happens. today moved madd slow, but it was decent & i'm pleased for my last day of school prolly for good. i swear, i know i'm about to miss atleast 7 days, shit... i'm a be out tomorrow then basically almost all week besides monday and weds just like this week. that's crazy, i might as well drop them 2 math classes, ain't like i'm failing in them... there too easy for me to be making horrible grades. but yeah, enough about school i'm tired of it. so i watched nephew today, for the last time until monday ckuz i'm a be out of it for them 3 days after my mouth surgery, i ain't really nervous just curious about that sleeping medicine. will it put my right to sleep ? who knowwss

smh @ this show, i don't know why i'm soooo hooked to this show now. home improvement, shit is crack to me. i'm bout to watch some dragon ball z after i write this blog and listen to this song 2121 times then see about this miguel mixtape i was suppose to be downloading and shit. i think i'm a go to sleep watchin these shits like last night, but i can't drink or none of that shit after 12... so i need to get my drink on and eat on before 12 hit, owww. i think i'll stop bloggin now. ya'll don't deserve a long blog. well whoever reads this shit nowadays, i can't lie i wouldn't care if noone read em ckuz i barley read theres... i'd prolly skim just to be nosey see if any drama happened latley but yeah. so i'm gonneee


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